

Pfaff Rolls Out Desperate Attack, Ignores Real Concerns of Western Wisconsin

In response to the new desperate line of attack by out-of-touch Brad “Politics as Usual” Pfaff, here is the comment I released to the media:

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What did the Biden crime family do?

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DOJ special counsel report on President Biden

You might recall that back in February, Robert Hur released a DOJ special counsel report on President Biden, revealing that he "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials."

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Unruly Mobs on Campus

Pro-Palestinian protests erupted over the war in Gaza recently on the UW-Madison campus. Students, professors, and agitators put up tents on Library Mall without the necessary permits to do so.

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Working for Wisconsin’s Farmers

There’s no question that Wisconsin is home to some of the nation’s most hardworking folks – our farmers and agricultural producers.

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Let's honor our fathers this June!

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.”
–Billy Graham

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For such a time as this

I'm a christian conservative living in Holmen with my angel of a wife, Diane. We're empty nesters just enjoying the quiet life until I got on the ballot in the spring election for county board.

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Van Orden is Exceptional Representative of the People

I was recently reminded of just how long I have been monitoring, analyzing, studying, and participating in the world of politics. It has been almost 25 years since I started making this my night and weekend hobby.

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