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This week is National School Choice Week. As a father and a grandfather, I know just how important it is for parents to have the flexibility to choose where their child receives their education.
Wisconsin Republicans introduced Assembly Bill 975 this week which would protect the life of an unborn child after 14 weeks.
While different from the referendum I suggested, this bill fully aligns with the primary goal of allowing "we the people" to decide: " at what point does society have the responsibility to protect the life of an unborn child?"
Today, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed Assembly Bill 975 on a 53-46 vote, permitting abortion up to 14-weeks gestation and fast tracking the legislation onto the ballot in April 2024.
Close to a year ago, REP Van Orden rolled up his sleeves and went to work to serve us on the Agriculture, Veteran Affairs, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees.
I was honored to join several of my Republican colleagues this week to unveil a comprehensive tax relief plan that will return part of the state’s projected $3.25 billion surplus to its rightful owners: the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.
The four-part proposal introduced by Legislative Republicans will cut taxes on the middle class, exempt retirement income from the state income tax and increase tax credits available to married couples and families with children in child care.
The argument between 100% and 99.7% Evers maps has been contentious.
However, Assembly Rs passed the 99.7% map because Assembly Dems REFUSED to vote on Evers original maps.
Why wouldn’t they? I thought they were fair?
It’s because it’s all a facade and the fix is in from SCOWI pic.twitter.com/wqNAekXHoV
Due to a decision from a liberal Dane County judge, elective abortions up to 20 weeks are currently happening throughout the state of Wisconsin, with Planned Parenthood resuming operations in Madison, Milwaukee, and Sheboygan.
There are too many unanswered questions surrounding this border deal. The American public wants to secure the border, so why negotiate in private?
On January 24, Governor Evers delivered his State of State Address to the Wisconsin legislature. While Evers attempted to feed Wisconsinites lies, we are here to set the record straight. Under the Biden Administration and the Governor's failed leadership, the people of Wisconsin are suffering.
Under Democrat leadership:
I studied his book. I donated to his campaign. I made calls to boost turnout in Iowa. I tell you this so you understand that it really does come from a heart of respect. As disappointing as it was that it had to happen, I was proud of Ron DeSantis when he gracefully stepped aside from the presidential primary.
Today I am emailing you from Florida. The warmth of being home is a reminder of why I have chosen a life of public service—from joining the United States Navy and serving in Iraq—to representing the people in Congress—and now serving as governor.
And it reminds me why I decided to run for President: to fight for those who have been forgotten in this country.
This is America’s time for choosing.
We can choose to allow a border invasion or we can choose to stop it.