Thanks for Supporting me in this Election

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Thanks for Supporting me in this Election

April 06, 2024 - 18:47
Posted in:

I am so sorry that I let you down by losing the election. On the bright side, I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to meet hundreds of moms and dads and hear about the challenges that they are facing. As a problem solver, I will begin to solve the problem of getting 145 more voters interested and engaged in our local government. That’s the number of votes I was short in this election. It begins with an uncomfortable conversation with my friends and family about what I did right, what I did wrong, and what I need to do better in the next campaign.

I campaigned about how much better our county government could be if leadership were to focus their priorities on Roads, Safety, and Infrastructure. I still believe this is the right approach because it leads to strong communities and a growing economy and tax base.

Unfortunately, because nothing will change in local leadership, you can expect the County Board to produce more partisan policies, rising taxes, increased crime rates, increased homeless numbers, and our rural roads continuing to decay.

Going forward I will engage with more voters and help teach the truth so that in two years we can team up to realign the government with the values of the people who are paying taxes to fund it.

Thank you so much for your support, your prayers, your letters, and for taking the time to share your stories with me. I feel very blessed for being on this incredible journey with you in my corner and I look forward to maintaining the relationships we have started and building new ones in the next two years.

Take care and God bless,
Chris Muller

There are 3 Comments

Thank you kindly Chris for stepping up and being a concerned Conservative candidate. Your efforts are appreciated. Consider how many times I have heard "Run once for name recognition and twice to win"?
It will be interesting to see what your opponent does now. Maybe you have impacted him enough that we won't run for re-election to the Assembly? Or, maybe he will run in these newly configured districts and not win? Maybe you have made a difference!
Keep informed, keep involved. and thanks!

Without your campaign, many people would not have known the issues. The good news is there is a tiny chance Doyle will take some interest in representing the citizens of his district!

Conservatives did not get out the vote. Look at what Trump received in '16 & '20 and what he'll get in '24. We need to reach these voters to vote in local elections.

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