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Leadership Must Go: UW-Milwaukee Officially Endorses the ‘Genocide’ Blood Libel Against Israel

Wed, 05/15/2024 - 12:11

By: Shale Horowitz, Professor, Political Science – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee leadership, on May 12, negotiated an end to an illegal protest encampment by endorsing the lie that Israel is likely guilty of genocide. The leadership’s statement openly supports the content and methods of the longstanding Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign […]

The Phony Show Trial Against Trump [Up Against the Wall]

Wed, 05/15/2024 - 11:59

I have to admit, this NY trial of Trump over how a legal bill was ‘booked’ by the Trump Organization just doesn’t add up. I’m not going to repeat what has been said, rather I’d like to explore a few questions that business owners like me are asking. First, how is it that Trump’s lyin’ […]

Jewish Groups Slam UW-Milwaukee’s Encampment Agreement as Offensive, ‘Dangerous’

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 22:53

Three major Jewish organizations are slamming UW-Milwaukee’s agreement with pro-Palestinian encampment activists, saying it is “among the most offensive and dangerous of any university agreement reached with encampment protesters over the last two weeks.” In the extraordinary May 14 statement, the groups called on the UW’s Board of Regents to “negate” the agreement, expressed concern […]

UW President Jay Rothman Expresses Disappointment With UW-Milwaukee After Agreement With Protesters

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 22:50

Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman criticized UW-Milwaukee leaders on May 14, saying he was “disappointed by the course taken” by UWM, referring to its agreement with pro-Palestinian activists who camped out on campus. It was a rare dressing down from the head of what was previously called the UW System. “I am disappointed by […]

Senate Republicans Override Evers’ Vetoes

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 22:45

(The Center Square) – On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate voted to override nine vetoes from Gov. Tony Evers, including the vetoes that scuttled PFAS clean-up money, millions of dollars that were earmarked for hospitals in Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls and a plan that would allow advanced practice registered nurses to work more independently.

“The legislature has passed hundreds of bills to solve problems facing Wisconsin businesses and families. Most of these bills were signed into law, but many were vetoed by a governor more focused on politics than policies that help everyday Wisconsinites,” Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu said Tuesday. “Overriding the governor’s obstructive vetoes is the last, best way to address these critical issues.”

The override votes came one day after Evers sued the legislature over nearly $200 million that is attached to some of his vetoes.

Most of that money is the $125 million that’s supposed to go toward PFAS clean up in Wisconsin.

“For the fifth time this legislative session, I voted to provide Wisconsin families with the largest investment in clean drinking water in state history – five more times than every Democrat legislator in this state combined. The bill that Gov. Evers vetoed (SB 312) would have created a grant program that targets this critical funding to areas of the state most heavily impacted by PFAS contamination while protecting innocent landowners from financial ruin,” Sen Duey Stroebel, R-Cedarburg, said.

Evers has accused the legislature’s budget-writing Joint Finance Committee of obstructing his plans to clean up Wisconsin’s drinking water, and of delaying his other actions across the state.

LeMahieu said Evers is simply playing the game.

“While Gov. Evers plays politics, the legislature will continue to do the right thing on behalf of the people of our state,” LeMahieu added.

Senate Democrats responded with game-playing accusations of their own.

“Coming in to do all these veto overrides was clearly a stunt to try to appeal to voters ahead of the fall election,” Den. Mark Spreitzer, D-Beloit, said. “Clearly Republicans were hearing from things in their district and wanted political cover. I don't think they got political cover today. I think what they got was people realizing just how afraid they are.”

But Tuesday’s veto overrides are largely symbolic.

While Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate have a veto-proof majority, Republicans in the Wisconsin Assembly do not.

Trump Holds Lead Over Biden Heading Toward November

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 22:41

With less than half a year until the 2024 presidential election, former President Donald Trump holds a sizable lead over incumbent President Joe Biden in several swing states.

While the overall national polling varies and shows a tighter race, Trump holds significant leads in several swing states.

According to Real Clear Politics, Trump leads in a slew of key battleground states like Arizona (+5.2), Georgia (+4.6), Michigan (+0.8), Nevada (+6.2), North Carolina (+5.4), Pennsylvania (+2.0), and Wisconsin (+0.6).

Other polling has shown Trump with a dominant lead in the Sun Belt while performing less well against Biden in some rust belt swing states.

“As the old saying goes, good gets better and bad gets worse, and it’s clear President Biden is in bad shape right now,” Colin Reed, a Republican strategist, former campaign manager for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., and co-founder of South and Hill Strategies, told The Center Square. “Five and a half months is an eternity in politics, and there’s theoretically still time to right the ship, but it’s getting late early for the president, especially when Father Time remains undefeated and doubts about his age continue to grow. “

According to the Real Clear Politics’ national polling average, Trump leads Biden 46.1% to 44.9%.

A New York Times poll released this week showed leads for Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania but slightly trailing Biden in Wisconsin, raising concerns among supporters.

Trump’s lead has been in large part fueled by minority voters flocking to his side.

Meanwhile, Biden’s approval rating has plummeted since taking office. While that is not unusual for incumbents, Biden’s approval is lower than recent presidents.

Gallup recently released polling data showing that in the 13th quarter of Biden’s presidency, he averaged a 38.7% approval rating, worse than Trump at the same time in his term.

“None of the other nine presidents elected to their first term since Dwight Eisenhower had a lower 13th-quarter average than Biden,” Gallup said.

Axios reported this week that Biden and his team think the polls don’t represent Americans’ actual feelings and that the president’s position is strong.

“They're still 50% (well 45%) to win, per betting markets,” pollster Nate Silver wrote on X. “But Biden has been behind Trump in polls for a year now. His approval is in the tank, and voters have been clear they think he's too old. If Trump wins, history will not remember Biden kindly.”

Meanwhile, Trump spends valuable campaign time in a series of court appearances for his myriad of federal prosecution court dates.

“I’m under a gag order,” Trump told reporters after a court appearance Tuesday. “Nobody has actually seen anything like it ... I'm beating him in every poll and I have a gag order, so I think it's totally unconstitutional."

Republicans have blasted Biden for Trump’s prosecution, accusing Biden of using the Justice Department against his political opponent.

“Despite Far Left Democrats’ illegal election interference, President Trump is beating Joe Biden in the polls!” Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., wrote on X Tuesday. “Voters see right through the sham Biden Trials and know President Trump is the best choice for president.”

What UW-Madison’s Graduation Got Right & Wrong [Up Against the Wall]

Tue, 05/14/2024 - 21:37

I have a love-hate relationship with the UW-Madison. On one hand, I love the university; it’s physically beautiful with its setting along Lake Mendota, with Bascom Hill, and with Bascom Hall looking straight down State Street to the state Capitol. After being told by my counselor two weeks into my freshmen year that I’m “the […]

Unity Among Conservatives: Eliminate the State Income Tax

Mon, 05/13/2024 - 22:13

By: Courtney Gustafson Wisconsin is a middle-class state with coastal-elite taxes, and working-class families know it’s time for big change. Conservative grassroots are even taking action and are poised to adopt a resolution at the Republican Party of Wisconsin’s (RPW) state convention in Appleton this Saturday, May 18th, calling on all lawmakers to eliminate the […]

UW-Milwaukee Calls for ISRAEL to Release Palestinian ‘HOSTAGES,’ Enter Ceasefire

Sun, 05/12/2024 - 21:51

Where can taxpayers, faculty and students opt out? In an “agreement” with pro-Palestinian activists who have occupied a section of campus  for days and who renamed a state-owned building after a man who praised Oct. 7, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee leaders are now calling for Israel to release Palestinian “hostages” and are demanding that Israel enter […]

UW-Milwaukee Encampment Posts ‘Rules’ Banning Speaking to Police; Is to End Tuesday

Sun, 05/12/2024 - 20:48

UW-Milwaukee now says UWM leadership and the student protesters have reached an agreement, and the encampment will be fully down by Tuesday morning. The pro-Palestinian occupiers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee encampment posted a set of “rules” inside the state-owned lawn they’ve fenced in. The “rules,” which were hanging inside the encampment on May 12, […]

Senator Tammy Baldwin Voices Support for Bringing Palestinian Refugees to the U.S.

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 22:13

“Sen. Baldwin’s support for bringing thousands of Hamas supporters into America and making taxpayers bear the burden of providing housing, health care and schooling is incomprehensible and a dereliction of duty” – Businessman Eric Hovde. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin), under growing pressure from left-wing pro-Hamas activists, is voicing support for a possible Joe Biden […]

Judge Brad Schimel Endorsed by 21 Wisconsin Sheriffs in Supreme Court Race

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 21:55

Waukesha County Circuit Judge Brad Schimel, the former attorney general of Wisconsin, has been endorsed by 21 sheriffs in the state Supreme Court race. Schimel, who is running on a platform of restoring integrity and respect for the rule of law to the off-the-rails partisan court, has also been endorsed by members of the Milwaukee […]

Franklin Mayor John Nelson On Administrative Leave From Waterford Police Department

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 06:37

Wisconsin Right Now has confirmed that Franklin Mayor John Nelson is on administrative leave from his position as a police lieutenant in the Town of Waterford. Nelson was one of two police lieutenants who were placed on administrative leave, sources told WRN. We are still investigating the reason and have open records requests out to […]

Knife-Carrying Man Told UW-Madison Student, ‘Jews Shouldn’t Be on Campus,’ Police Say

Wed, 05/08/2024 - 20:39

A student displaying a pro-Israel sign told police she was approached at UW-Madison’s Library Mall by a man with a knife who told her, “Jews shouldn’t be on campus.” That’s according to the UW-Madison Police Department, which reported on May 8 that is “investigating three separate reports of violence that occurred on Library Mall.” On […]
