

Fiscal Responsibility & Climate Change Hypocrisy

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Everybody with a mother knows - deep in our hearts - what a woman is. (Not a CAP: Chemically Altered Pretender.)

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Republicans Unveil Local Government Funding Plan

On Thursday, Republicans unveiled a local government funding plan at press conferences across the state. The proposal devotes 20% of state sales tax revenues to local governments or approximately $1.5 billion.

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Local government funding plan

One of the things I have heard about the most as I’ve done listening sessions in my district, and our travels for the budget hearings this session, is the need for additional funding for local units of government.

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Limit, Save, Grow Act

I will always stand with the farmers who feed America. I’m glad that elements of my amendment were included in the revised Limit, Save, Grow Act that protect our corn growers and biofuels industry. That is a win for Wisconsin and America.

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Protecting Women's Rights to Fair Competition

It’s been over 50 years since Congress passed Title IX of the Education Amendments, which was a game changer for female athletes and women’s rights.

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Protecting Consumer Choice

On Tuesday, Republicans voted in favor of two bills prohibiting state and local governments from banning the use or sale of a motor vehicle or other devices based on the power source.

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